Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inagurate your new life with author Kimberly Seals Allers's help!

Happy Inauguration Day All!

I hope everyone finds a way to catch this historic moment on television if you weren't up to packing yourself in like a sardine in Washington DC to see it in person.

But eventually you'll have to pry yourself away from the television and with 2009 still fresh and new, we have a new book out to help you set yourself free from corporate slavery if that is your wish:

The Mocha Manual to Turning Your Passion into Profit: How To Find and Grow Your Side Hustle in Any Economy by author/journalist/mom/entrepreneur extraordinaire Kimberly Seals Allers goes on sale today.

Are you an accountant with a secret love of baking cookies? Want to bake cookies all day? In this helpful, inspiring tome Kimberly details what steps you need to take to start your own business and profiles how other people have done it as well. Kimberly's book was just written up in The New York Daily News.

So worried about the economy? Just got laid off? No worries! This book will help you navigate the world of owning your own business with ease.

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